all postcodes in MK42 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK42 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK42 6AB 74 1 52.09344 -0.460678
MK42 6AD 15 0 52.088982 -0.460773
MK42 6AE 32 2 52.09087 -0.460525
MK42 6AL 13 0 52.089776 -0.460994
MK42 6AN 11 0 52.089934 -0.462069
MK42 6AP 17 0 52.089603 -0.459423
MK42 6AQ 6 0 52.089613 -0.461627
MK42 6AR 30 0 52.088916 -0.459841
MK42 6AF 16 0 52.095387 -0.461005
MK42 6AG 17 0 52.094642 -0.460403
MK42 6AH 22 0 52.094363 -0.460413
MK42 6AJ 16 0 52.093646 -0.459926
MK42 6AS 21 0 52.087892 -0.462679
MK42 6AT 5 0 52.089407 -0.462364
MK42 6AU 23 0 52.087383 -0.463631
MK42 6AW 30 0 52.086802 -0.4623
MK42 6AX 42 0 52.094215 -0.461498
MK42 6AY 41 0 52.093748 -0.462886
MK42 6AZ 19 0 52.092031 -0.459515
MK42 6BA 14 0 52.087843 -0.466293